Is It A Ladybug Picnic?

Ladybug afloat on leaf in water

The garden seems to be a popular place for ladybugs this year. I’m seeing many more than usual, even for spring. Online, the local gardeners seem to be saying the same thing, so maybe we’re having a bumper year for them here? Here are 6,000 photos of them for #sixonsaturday. Just kidding, only a few more than six, because I can’t help myself.

ONE -- digital number art by lisa at the-compulsive-gardener
Ladybug on seedling veg
Ladybug on seedling veg
TWO -- digital number art by lisa at the-compulsive-gardener
Ladybug crawling on gardener
Is it just me or do ladybugs like to crawl on people? Sometimes I’m transporting them out of the house or out of a basin, and they don’t seem to want to get off of my skin, even when I take them to an aphid-infested plant. So, I either blow them off gently with a puff of breath onto a flower, or I just let them come along with me around the garden.
THREE -- digital number art by lisa at the-compulsive-gardener
Ladybugs in the garden
So many ladybugs this year! There are two in this photo!
FOUR -- digital number art by lisa at the-compulsive-gardener
Ladybugs everywhere!
Ladybugs everywhere!
FIVE -- digital number art by lisa at the-compulsive-gardener
Ladybug on strawberry leaf
Ladybug on a strawberry leaf
SIX -- digital number art by lisa at the-compulsive-gardener
Ladybug afloat on leaf in water
Ladybug afloat on leaf in water.

Aren’t they cute?! But in their larval form they kinda look like scary alligators. See here.

Ladybug on sage plant

Ok, now I can stop photographing them. I might amend this post later to include some more about ladybugs, but spring is popping and there are things to do, like clear the garden beds in prep for Monday–the day after the May full moon, when we are historically past our last frost here in our micro-climate, and the soil gets warm enough for the tender summer veggie roots.* It’s then time to plant out the summer veg like tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, and…shall I plant corn this year? Hmmm…the raccoons and rats usually eat all the cobs. Well, I have the weekend to ponder.

Ladybug on seedling pepper plant

If you enjoy seeing other people’s gardens as I do, click over here to see what the SixOnSaturday thing is all about. You’re invited too.

Happy Gardening! ~lisa

*Some gardeners plant out tender summer veg earlier than the May full moon, and protect plants with frost covers if needed during cold nights. We do that too sometimes, but mostly these days I just wait. The plants don’t seem to really take off before now anyway.

To see ladybugs in their various stages and info about why NOT to buy ladybugs for your garden, see this post: Bugs and Buds.

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17 thoughts on “Is It A Ladybug Picnic?

  1. Lovely to read about your ladybug picnic. Great photos! We call them ladybirds. I also have a lot of them this year (and lots of aphids for them to feed on!) I find it fascinating to watch them, and the speed with which they pounce on an aphid and gobble it up is quite incredible.
    Unfortunately here in SW France we also have a huge number of Harlequin Ladybirds which originated in Asia. They breed by the thousands in our wooden window frames and there is a real concern that they will out-compete our native species for aphids and eat other ladybirds’ eggs and larvae.

    1. Hi Lynne! Thanks so much! I’ve heard of the Harlequin Ladybirds/bugs but I’m not very well educated about them. What do you do about them? If you have done/do a post about that, or have a site that would be educational, let me know and I will include it to help share awareness. From a quick search, it looks like you can tell the difference by the legs, yes? The harlequins have orange-ish colored legs instead of black. Does that sound correct?

  2. Glad to hear you have lots of wonderful Ladybugs in your garden! And thanks for including the information about their larvae, which are such an important part of nature’s “balancing act”!

    1. Yes, I notice that it’s a frequent question from new-ish gardeners in the spring–“What is this bug?” And so often it is a ladybug larvae — so it’s nice if we all help each other get familiar with this wonderful garden helper. Thanks for visiting and commenting!

  3. We see quite a lot of ladybirds here as we have a lot of aphids, especially in Spring.

    1. P.S. I would love to see your garden…do you have a blog too? Maybe I’m already following you but it’s under a different name? Please share if you do. Cheers!

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