A Palette of Spring Colors

It’s a odd dance, doing garden blogs–the season when you have the most to share is exactly when you have the least time to share it. Let me try, TRY, to do a short flit through the spring blossoms, joining in this time with the Six-On-Saturday gardeners from around the world, who post six thingsContinue reading “A Palette of Spring Colors”

Why Going Peat-free In the Garden Is So Important

Gardeners—did you know that the peat moss we are using in our soil amendments comes from peatlands which, when undisturbed, store twice as much carbon as all the world’s forests?! Join the peat-free garden movement and help preserve the unique, diverse, and important carbon-storing peatlands around the world.

‘Tis the Season for The Olive Harvest, Persimmons and Winter Warmth Without Fossil Fuel

In our garden here in Sonoma County, California, the holiday season also marks festive activities like harvesting the olives for milling into oil, picking persimmons and feijoas and admiring the fall color of the parrotia persica. Winter pruning, wildflower seed scattering, tree planting, and a reflection on going carbon neutral are on the winter garden tasks list.

The Heat Is On–in the garden and on the planet

Today is a toasty 92°F (33°C) but that is normal for this time of year for us. We’ve actually had an unusually cool summer so far and our tomatoes and zucchini are only just starting to ripen. I’m grateful that our area has been spared the intense heatwaves so many areas of the world haveContinue reading “The Heat Is On–in the garden and on the planet”

The Frogs are Happy, Dormant Pruning Is Done, Bareroot Is Planted, Fungi Is Fruiting and Seedlings Are Started–Whew

I’ve lost track of how many atmospheric rivers have come through California so far this rainy season, so I just looked it up. The answer is fourteen! (KGET) Not that I noticed when one ended and the next began. I’m not complaining. I’m delighted to see that Lake Sonoma is full again, as is ourContinue reading “The Frogs are Happy, Dormant Pruning Is Done, Bareroot Is Planted, Fungi Is Fruiting and Seedlings Are Started–Whew”

Winter Garden Reflections

The winter shadows are long across the landscape, creating dramatic patterns amongst the fallen leaves. We’ve awakened to ice on the bird fountains many mornings and felt grateful for the warmth of our wood stove at night. Even Puffball Kitty, well-outfitted in her full-puff winter coat, and not put off by a bit of coldContinue reading “Winter Garden Reflections”

Sowing A Wildflower Meadow

Sow your wildflower patch in winter to enjoy the blooms in spring. Read about when I broadcast California poppy and arroyo lupine seeds and how I tend to them in my native wildflower meadow. Watch the lumbering native bumblebees collect pollen.

October Garden–fall harvests, winter crops, tucking the worms in & sharing the abundance

The October garden is a wild thing–overgrown and intertwined–with the last of summer’s exuberance. The squash tendrils have crept like fog and pulled themselves into uncharted lands and left behind bizarre shapes in their path. Cooler nights are leaving little patches of plant cemeteries littered here and there, joining the falling leaves of the grandfatherContinue reading “October Garden–fall harvests, winter crops, tucking the worms in & sharing the abundance”

A Summertime Saunter Through the Garden — butterflies, pruning winter squash, hand-pollinating corn, saving seeds

Stroll thru the summer garden with me and see some butterflies, help prune the winter squash, hand-pollinate the corn, save seeds for next year, put out some free cucumbers for neighbors, taste a ripe Asian pear, and ponder how to keep the squirrel from harvesting all the walnuts.

First Monarch Butterfly Sighting, Saving Seed from California Poppies, & an Unfortunate Contaminant

Monarch Butterfly Sighting Today I let slip a little scream of excitement when I spotted the first monarch butterfly here in our garden–at least the first one I can remember in the two decades we’ve been at our current location. Growing up in the Midwest many decades ago, we used to see Eastern Monarchs allContinue reading “First Monarch Butterfly Sighting, Saving Seed from California Poppies, & an Unfortunate Contaminant”

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