‘Tis the Season for The Olive Harvest, Persimmons and Winter Warmth Without Fossil Fuel

In our garden here in Sonoma County, California, the holiday season also marks festive activities like harvesting the olives for milling into oil, picking persimmons and feijoas and admiring the fall color of the parrotia persica. Winter pruning, wildflower seed scattering, tree planting, and a reflection on going carbon neutral are on the winter garden tasks list.

Spring Awe–Buds and Bugs

Nature does not stand still and wait for us to catch up. It’s a glorious spring after all the winter rains we finally enjoyed after so many drought years. Verdancy is erupting in the garden and the air is abuzz with activity. There are summer veggies to plant and damselflies to admire. The ladybugs areContinue reading “Spring Awe–Buds and Bugs”

The Frogs are Happy, Dormant Pruning Is Done, Bareroot Is Planted, Fungi Is Fruiting and Seedlings Are Started–Whew

I’ve lost track of how many atmospheric rivers have come through California so far this rainy season, so I just looked it up. The answer is fourteen! (KGET) Not that I noticed when one ended and the next began. I’m not complaining. I’m delighted to see that Lake Sonoma is full again, as is ourContinue reading “The Frogs are Happy, Dormant Pruning Is Done, Bareroot Is Planted, Fungi Is Fruiting and Seedlings Are Started–Whew”

Saturated, Inundated, Swamped…

Which of these watery words of overwhelm should I use? When it rains it pours? Trying to keep my head above water? We’ve gone precipitously from an historic drought to getting flooded with back-to-back atmospheric rivers. My heart goes out to those who’ve been caught at the dangerous end of the weather impacts. We wereContinue reading “Saturated, Inundated, Swamped…”

Sowing A Wildflower Meadow

Sow your wildflower patch in winter to enjoy the blooms in spring. Read about when I broadcast California poppy and arroyo lupine seeds and how I tend to them in my native wildflower meadow. Watch the lumbering native bumblebees collect pollen.

The Solace of the Wildlife Garden

Lately it feels like the garden is taking more care of me than I am of it. The world of humans is so fraught with angst and urgent concerns (which we humans seem apt to self-create) that, again, I find myself in deep appreciation for the respite of the garden and simpler creatures. I’m leaningContinue reading “The Solace of the Wildlife Garden”

Petals Aplenty — six snapshots of spring from a Sonoma County garden

The petals are popping and the juice of spring is coursing through my veins like so many shots of espresso. The spring garden is a party not to be missed, and just to sit at my computer to post this blog, rather than be out with the surging sap and sunshine, is requiring a strongContinue reading “Petals Aplenty — six snapshots of spring from a Sonoma County garden”

Sun & Sunflowers (and a very dry summer)

I thought I’d start with something cheery. Certain flowers, like daffodils or sunflowers, just brighten the moment — a garden anti-depressant — kissing your face with affectionate optimism and inducing an autonomic smile. I think I’d be going nuts by now if I didn’t have a garden and I wish I had magical powers toContinue reading “Sun & Sunflowers (and a very dry summer)”

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